Export Expenses from the Expenses Page

The Expenses page allows you to manage and export your expenses efficiently. If you are an admin, you can also access expenses submitted by Workspace members. Use this page to filter and export expenses based on your specific needs.

Filter Expenses for Export

Before exporting expenses, use filters to narrow down the data:

  1. Click the Expenses tab.
  2. Adjust the filters at the top of the page:
    • Date Range – Select a specific time frame.
    • Merchant Name – Find expenses from a particular vendor (partial searches work).
    • Workspace – View expenses for a specific Group or Individual Workspace.
    • Categories – Filter by category to refine your search.
    • Tags – Locate expenses based on assigned tags.
    • Submitters – Find expenses by employee or vendor.
    • Personal Expenses – Show expenses that have not yet been added to a report.
    • Open, Processing, Approved, Reimbursed, Closed – View expenses at different reporting stages.

Note: Some filters adjust dynamically based on your current selections. If results aren’t as expected, click Reset to clear all filters.

Export Expenses to CSV

Once you’ve applied filters, export your expenses as needed:

  1. Select expenses using the checkboxes.
  2. Click Export To in the upper-right corner.
  3. Choose from:
    • Default CSV – Expensify’s standard template.
    • Create new CSV export layout – Customize your CSV format.

Print or Download an Expense Report

For additional documentation or sharing, you can print or download an expense report:

  1. Click the Reports tab.
  2. Select the desired report.
  3. Click Details in the upper-right corner.
  4. Use the available icons to:
    • Print – Generate a hard copy.
    • Download – Save as a PDF.
    • Share – Send via email or SMS.


Can I edit multiple expenses before exporting?

Yes! Select multiple expenses and click Edit Multiple to make bulk changes before exporting.

What submitter expenses can a Workspace Admin see?

A Workspace admin can view Processing, Approved, and Reimbursed expenses if they were submitted under the Workspace they manage. Unreported expenses remain invisible until added to a report.

Admins can edit tags and categories but must reject expenses or have them in Processing to modify the amount, date, or merchant name. For company card reconciliation, refer to this article.

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